Top 5 qualities as a Buyer Agent

You Need Someone Who Has These Qualifications


Proper evaluation and appraising power

You need an agent who knows the construction industry and building structure. Someone who can differentiate between properties and their renovation values in details. Someone who can figure out an over-priced renovated property just because it’s renovated or estimate your actual renovation project's cost in your mind for an old under-priced property to let you purchase it and convert it to your lifetime renovated property just up to your taste.
Mel's experience in construction and renovation, working with trades and builders, estimating and pricing the renovation projects guarantees and supports this requirement.

Happy family after buying new house

Psychology of sales and thinking like you

You need some one who sits with you listen to you and become like you, think like you, become a part of your family by knowing your life style, requirement and taste. Choose a right property for you by showing you the minimum number of properties! Not like some agents who confuse and frustrate you by showing you so many unfit properties without considering your requirements. If your agent thinks and sees like you then he/she can choose like you and make this your biggest easiest decision in your life.
Mel's 20 years of experience in Sales and customer relation has given him the power of communicating skills and reading peoples mind in terms of their needs and requirement. the power and capability that no one can easily learn and study.


Choose the right area fit to your life style

You need a person who knows the city, communities and corners to offer you the best possible valued property for your lifetime investment. Sometime with couple of street change of area your result of investment in long term will change drastically and it may change your life. Someone who knows all corners of your living area would be a right person to recommend you such that opportunity.
Mel's experience in Sales and Marketing for his own business in the past 20 years, operating a service company and targeting business in every corner of this big city is what you need to trust for finding the best spot for your future home.


Access to proper networking to find you unique opportunities

You need an agent who have access to unique networks available for exclusive properties in market, someone who does proper networking to find special value properties and opportunities.
Mel's chosen Brokerage is what he is proud of. Remax Realtron which is the most expensive and famous brokerage in the City has access to a network of 12000 Sales representative and their exclusives. Access to lots of listings even before it goes to MLS. What else you may need as a Buyer to fulfill that requirement?

Estate agent shaking hands with customer after contract signatur

An agent who can close the deal by the right negotiation tactics and experience

Someone who knows the rules of sales, negotiation and social communication. Someone with a pair of honest eyes and a ton of experience, strategies and intelligence behind it.
Mel's 20 years of leading sales teams. training them in communication and negotiation skills, preparing them for their sales fights and strategies. I don't think if there is any better way of becoming experienced other than this.

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